Labor Looking After Their Own Once Again With Mobile Black Spot Program, Round 6

Federal Member for Durack, The Hon Melissa Price MP, welcomes a review into Labor’s evident pork barrelling in Round 6 of the Mobile Black Spot Program. The review has been ordered by the Australian Information Commissioner, into Communications Minister Michelle Rowland’s hand-picking of Labor seats in the latest Mobile Black Spot Program and her refusal to hand over the relevant documents.

“I was extremely disappointed, shocked even, that in Labor’s new round of Mobile Black Spot funding, 74% of selected locations are in Labor electorates,” said Ms Price. “Whilst Labor has once again looked after their own, our regional communities have been ignored and they are suffering as a result. In fact, in my electorate of Durack, which encompasses some 1.4 million square kilometres, taking up a massive 18% of our whole country, only ONE site was selected”.

“It is regional, rural and remote Australians who experience the worst connectivity in our nation. These are the people who need improved mobile coverage the most, some of whom cannot even get a signal on their phone, yet Labor have deliberately chosen to funnel the money into their own electorates. Where does this intentional oversight leave our vital emergency services, who desperately require improved coverage? Our very lives can depend on these services having connectivity,” said Ms Price.

The Coalition Government has a proven track record of delivering the NBN and the Mobile Black Spot program to all Australians, including those in remote and regional areas who always miss out under Labor. We invested wisely in these critical infrastructure programs, ensuring that taxpayers' money is spent responsibly and that all Australians have access to the digital services they need. Minister Rowland needs to comply with the law and fully explain her role in personally selecting this list of sites that have so clearly been chosen for political reasons.

Australians deserve full answers regarding Labor’s underhanded Round 6 of the Mobile Black Spot Program.


Media Contact: Jackie Perry 0427 587 395,