Increased Assistance for Cyclone Seroja Clean-Up

As we mark Volunteers Week 2021, it is important to thank and acknowledge the very  impressive clean-up efforts by community volunteers, shires, the Australian Defence Force and State Emergency  Service members across the vast coastal and inland Mid-West regions impacted by ex-Tropical Cyclone Seroja.

Federal Member for Durack, the Hon. Melissa Price has welcomed the Morrison Government  extension of its support to the many who continue to clean up and rebuild their lives since ex TC Seroja hit the coast near Kalbarri and cut across over 130, 000 square kilometres from the coast to inland in April.

“I have visited many of the impacted communities again recently and I am impressed at the progress that had been made. I am proud that these committed communities will now have access to more financial assistance through the further extension of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA),” Ms Price said.

The expanded DRFA is available in the local government areas of Carnamah, Chapman Valley, Coorow, Dalwallinu, Dandaragan, Greater Geraldton, Mingenew, Morawa, Mount Marshall, Northampton, Perenjori, Shark Bay and Three Springs.

The Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements had already been activated in the immediate response to Severe Tropical Cyclone Seroja. This extension now includes Category C and Category D measures which increases the level of assistance available including to small business, farmers, restoration activities for community, recreational, cultural, heritage and environmental assets. 

“The expanded level of assistance will fund a clean-up program and community recovery support package for 13 local governments affected with costs covered on a 50:50 basis by the Australian and Western Australian Governments,” she said.

 This support includes five community recovery officers will be employed over two years to work across the impacted local government areas and support the long-term recovery of those communities. The recovery officers will establish a local presence and work with local governments and not-for-profit organisations.

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