Heritage Grants for Seroja Repair

Applications are now open in Durack to help with the clean-up and restoration of heritage assets that were significantly damaged by Tropical Cyclone Seroja.

Federal Member for Durack, the Hon. Melissa Price said the Cultural and Heritage Asset Clean-Up and Restoration Grant Program is part of a package of support for individuals, community members, primary producers, business owners and local governments.

“A reimbursement grant of up to $20,000 is available to assist with costs to clean-up and repair significant cultural and heritage sites across the cyclone-impacted area,” Ms Price said.

“Six months ago, Tropical Cyclone Seroja caused major havoc and devastation across our region and I urge those impacted who think they may be eligible to apply for this grant. This is an opportunity for eligible property owners and operators to defray some of their costs, help subsidise restoration works and conserve the historical significance of our heritage places,” Ms Price said.

I encourage owners and operators of heritage and cultural places to check out these grants to help related businesses and tourism in the region.

The $2 million Cultural and Heritage Asset Clean-Up and Restoration Grant Program is part of a $104.5 million jointly Commonwealth-state funded package under Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) to assist with clean-up, repairs and resilience works at heritage buildings and Aboriginal cultural heritage sites.

Eligibility and application details are available at www.emergency.wa.gov.au/recovery

Works must be completed by June 2023 and claims can be lodged until July 2023.


 Media Contact:

Rose Crane 0427 587395, Rosemea.Crane@aph.gov.au.