Broome Radar Upgrade Supports Durack Community and Industry


Minister for the Enviorment


Member for Durack

Morrison Government upgrades to the Broome weather radar are now giving the Kimberley access to more reliable weather data, improved storm surge tracking and enhanced information for emergency services.

Two months of work installing the latest digital receiver and control system technologies have been completed on schedule ahead of the wet season, helping communities, agriculture and industry plan more effectively.

“The Broome weather radar will have a greater ability to track the location and strength of wind changes through the use of Doppler technology, provide higher quality rain images and deliver a range of other improvements,” Minister Ley said.

Member for Durack Melissa Price said the radar’s improved detection of weather systems such as cyclones and intense rain during storms will help make more informed decisions.

“Accurate weather information is vital to our region and this upgrade represents an important commitment from the Bureau of Meteorology and the Morrison Government,” Ms Price said.

“The new data will provide emergency services with enhanced information about bushfires, through technology that can detect fire-generated thunderstorms and determine the height of fire plumes.

“Images from the radar can now be seen on the Bureau’s website and on the BOM Weather app.”

The upgrade is part of the most significant upgrade to the Bureau’s radar and observation network in a generation. By June 2024, the Bureau of Meteorology will deliver 8 new radars, plus upgrades to 46 radars, nearly 700 automatic weather stations and 200 flood warning network assets.


Environment Minister’s office

John Brady 0427 867 638

Minister Price’s office

Rose Crane 0427 587 395.